New Changing & Toilet Pavilion
For the Swimmers
Having discovered and fallen in love with the wild river swimming club at Farleigh Hungerford I decided to put together a speculative proposal for some new changing rooms and toilets to replace the well worn but ill suited existing facilities.   
The proposal would feature a simple timber frame on minimal concrete foundations clad in bright red crinkly tin corrugated metal panels. Divided into booths, each could be used as either a dedicated changing / toilet facility. The scheme could be made entirely of individual spaces or combined into larger group changing rooms / toilet facilities and a covered serving space. Composting toilets would create sustainable, zero waste toilets removing the costs and chemicals associated with private portaloos.
Speculative projects can be a really fun way of exercising some creative freedom and while they don't always result in a real building, you learn some valuable experience along the way.
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